9. Embracing Intensity with Aurora Remember Holtzmann

After years of feeling “too much,” Aurora Remember Holtzmann finally realised that intensity, is the source of her greatest power. Now instead of beating herself up about not measuring up to her own self-imposed standards, she is on a mission to help gifted and outside-the-box thinkers befriend their brains and use their fire without getting burned through her Embracing Intensity Podcast and community, coaching, and strengths-based educational assessment.


  • If you really want something, you can do it, but you need to grow first as a person

  • Gifted children and adults can fall into the category of “underachievers”

  • Gifted children with ADHD are sometimes able to compensate their ADHD with their giftedness, which can lead to chronic pain, exhaustion or burnout

  • Children and adults who have two challenges, for example gifted and autism or ADHD are called “2e” or “twice exceptional”

  • ADHD is not a lack of attention it is rather a lack of attention regulation

  • People with executive functioning challenges have difficulties finishing tasks which might seem very easy and basic to others

  • Giftedness does not make you automatically intense and intensity does not make you automatically gifted but if you combine the two, it has its unique issues

  • Usually people are not over-diagnosed but rather: people who have ADHD and giftedness might be under-diagnosed due to their ability to compensate for their ADHD

  • Gifted people do not seem to have more mental issues over time. Therefore, people seeking for answers and help who are gifted might be the ones who do have twice or tripple exceptionalities.


Her podcast, blog and so much more can be found on her website: auroraremember.com

You can find a free copy of her workbook, Harnessing the Power of Your Intensity! A Self-Regulation Workbook For Gifted, Creative And Twice-Exceptional thinkers at www.auroraremember.com/harness-your-power

Embracing Intensity Community: embracingintensity.com

Her YouTube Channel

René Brooks black girl lost keys

Aurora’s Youtube video on René Brooks: Thrice-Exceptional: Gifted, ADHD and Black

Jade Ribera blog on overexcitabilities

James Webb’s book Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression, and Other Disorders


10. The surprising shock of being identified as intellectually gifted! Meet Laurence


8. By changing your perspective you will see a different reality with Daniel Bruce Levin